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THRIVE Retreat

Oahu, Hawaii
Feb 1-6, 2023 Hawaii
Led by Tiffany Joy Basse
$1,299 early bird pricing includes program and organic meals. Price rises by 30% 30 days prior.

Abundance Retreat

San Rafael, California
March 6-8, 2023
Led by Tiffany Joy Basse
$399 early bird pricing includes program and organic meals. Price rises by 30% 30 days in advance.



Mindfulness is the core of our retreat programs because it give you the opportunity to become more peaceful, focused, less stressed and open to optimistic possibilities for rescripting your life.


We have a steady flow of movement during the retreat to keep flexible, release somatic holding and create more endorphins for a healthier and happier brain and body.

energy healing

Learn energy healing techniques that can help you clear out energy blocks preventing you from living your best life possible with the highest levels of vitality.

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