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We all think about what we would do with lottery winnings should that happen to us, but being charitable and generous with what you have doesn't always involve winning a huge sum of money to do so. It's important to remember that the little things matter and definitely add up!


TIFF is passionate about charitable organizations and soon will feature various causes we believe are worthy of your donation dollars. Please send us your favorite charities so we can include them in our coverage.



Donate Your Time

Giving back doesn't always involve money. If you want to be charitable but don't have the money to do so, look into volunteering. The work done as a volunteer is valuable on so many level. The service you provide doesn't cost the organization anything!

5 Reasons to Donate to Charity

E.C. Meaux presents great reasons for why donating to charity is beneficial other than the usual reasons. Practicing selflessness is something that there can always be more of in the world. Don't wait any longer, get started today!

Charitable Giving During the Estate Planning Process

An option that is often overlooked is what you can continue to do beyond your time on Earth. What, if any plans do you have for your estate? Is there an organization that you've always wanted to donate to? This may be your chance!

Charitable Donations With Life Insurance

Life insurance is something that gives you peace of mind as far as your family goes, but did you know it's possible to designate charities as a part of your policy? Generosity is something there can never be enough of; what kind of footprint do you want to leave behind?

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